84 Decks - Latest First - Chse one - invert order

  1   Function Applicative for Great Good of Leap Year Function    25 slides     
  2   Folding Cheat Sheet #7    21 slides     
  3   Folding Cheat Sheet #6    12 slides     
  4   Folding Cheat Sheet #5    2 slides     
  5   Hand Rolled Applicative User Validation Code Kata    6 slides     
  6   A Sighting of filterA in Typelevel Rite of Passage    23 slides     
  7   Direct Style Effect Systems - The Print[A] Example - A Comprehension Aid    37 slides     
  8   Folding Cheat Sheet #4    8 slides     
  9   Folding Cheat Sheet #3    6 slides     
  10   Folding Cheat Sheet #2    4 slides     
  11   Folding Cheat Sheet #1    3 slides     
  12   Scala Left Fold Parallelisation - Three Approaches    44 slides     
  13   Tagless Final Encoding - Algebras and Interpreters and also Programs    16 slides     
  14   Fusing Transformations of Strict Scala Collections with Views    28 slides     
  15   A sighting of traverse_ in Practical FP in Scala    5 slides     
  16   A sighting of traverseFilter and foldMap in Practical FP in Scala    6 slides     
  17   A sighting of sequence function in Practical FP in Scala    4 slides     
  18   N-Queens Combinatorial Puzzle meets Cats    386 slides     
  19   Kleisli composition, flatMap, join, map, unit - implementation and interrelation - V2 updated for Scala 3    16 slides     
  20   The aggregate function - from sequential and parallel folds to parallel aggregation    31 slides     
  21   Nat, List and Option Monoids - From scratch - Combining and Folding - An example    12 slides     
  22   The Sieve of Eratosthenes - Part 2 - Genuine versus Unfaithful Sieve    57 slides     
  23   Sum and Product Types - The Fruit Salad & Fruit Snack Example    19 slides     
  24   Algebraic Data Types for Data Oriented Programming - From Haskell and Scala to Java    46 slides     
  25   The Sieve of Eratosthenes - Part 1    50 slides     
  26   The Uniform Access Principle    22 slides     
  27   Computer Graphics in Java and Scala - Part 1b    28 slides     
  28   The Expression Problem Part 2    35 slides     
  29   Computer Graphics in Java and Scala - Part 1    25 slides     
  30   The Expression Problem Part 1    47 slides     
  31   Side by Side - Scala and Java Adaptations of Martin Fowler’s Javascript Refactoring Example    13 slides     
  32   Refactoring: A First Example - Martin Fowler’s First Example of Refactoring, Adapted to Java    95 slides     
  33   Refactoring: A First Example - Martin Fowler’s First Example of Refactoring, Adapted to Scala    93 slides     
  34   ‘go-to’ general-purpose sequential collections - from Java To Scala    67 slides     
  35   The Functional Programming Triad of map, filter and fold    51 slides     
  36   Functional Core and Imperative Shell - Game of Life Example - Haskell and Scala    13 slides     
  37   N-Queens Combinatorial Problem - Polyglot FP for Fun and Profit – Haskell and Scala - Part 4    55 slides     
  38   Quicksort - a whistle-stop tour of the algorithm in five languages and four paradigms    28 slides     
  39   N-Queens Combinatorial Problem - Polyglot FP for Fun and Profit – Haskell and Scala - Part 3    27 slides     
  40   Left and Right Folds - Comparison of a mathematical definition and a programmatic one    14 slides     
  41   N-Queens Combinatorial Problem - Polyglot FP for Fun and Profit – Haskell and Scala - Part 2    58 slides     
  42   N-Queens Combinatorial Problem - Polyglot FP for Fun and Profit – Haskell and Scala - Part 1    34 slides     
  43   Sierpinski Triangle - Polyglot FP for Fun and Profit - Haskell and Scala    58 slides     
  44   Function Applicative for Great Good of Palindrome Checker Function    71 slides     
  45   Scala 3 enum for a terser Option Monad Algebraic Data Type    21 slides     
  46   Folding Unfolded - Part 5    48 slides     
  47   The Functional Programming Triad of Folding, Scanning and Iteration - A first example in Scala and Haskell    31 slides     
  48   Folding Unfolded - Part 4    54 slides     
  49   Folding Unfolded - Part 3    53 slides     
  50   Folding Unfolded - Part 2    46 slides     
  51   Folding Unfolded - Part 1    58 slides     
  52   Game of Life - Polyglot FP - Haskell and Scala - Part 3    52 slides     
  53   Game of Life - Polyglot FP - Haskell and Scala - Part 2    55 slides     
  54   Game of Life - Polyglot FP - Haskell and Scala - Part 1    70 slides     
  55   Scala 3 by Example - Algebraic Data Types for Domain Driven Design - Part 2    77 slides     
  56   From Scala Monadic Effects to Unison Algebraic Effects    44 slides     
  57   Monad Fact #6    18 slides     
  58   Monad Fact #5    17 slides     
  59   Monad Fact #4    24 slides     
  60   Monad Fact #3    16 slides     
  61   Monad Fact #2    9 slides     
  62   Monad Fact #1    8 slides     
  63   The Monad Fact Series    4 slides     
  64   Scala 3 by Example - Algebraic Data Types for Domain Driven Design - Part 1    33 slides     
  65   State Monad    91 slides     
  66   Applicative Functor - Part 3    38 slides     
  67   Applicative Functor - Part 2    44 slides     
  68   Functional Effects - Part 2    39 slides     
  69   Functional Effects - Part 1    8 slides     
  70   Ad hoc Polymorphism using Type Classes and Cats    54 slides     
  71   Sequence and Traverse - Part 3    33 slides     
  72   Sequence and Traverse - Part 2    33 slides     
  73   Monoids - Part 2 - With examples using Scalaz and Cats    40 slides     
  74   Monoids - Part 1 - With examples using Scalaz and Cats    39 slides     
  75   Definitions of Functional Programming    7 slides     
  76   Sequence and Traverse - Part 1    36 slides     
  77   Applicative Functor - Part 1    19 slides     
  78   Writer Monad for logging execution of functions    14 slides     
  79   Kleisli Composition    33 slides     
  80   Monad Laws Must Be Checked    13 slides     
  81   Natural Transformations    8 slides     
  82   Functor Laws    13 slides     
  83   Compositionality and Category Theory    17 slides     
  84   Arrive at monads by going from composition of pure functions to composition of effectful functions    6 slides